ICS Security Salon

Loyal blog readers probably have figured out that I have tremendous respect for Ralph Langner. We have had the opportunity to discuss ICS security issues at S4 and via email for years, and in recent years find ways to go hiking (true SCADA Security Summits) and sprinkle the outing with ICS security ideas, theory and thoughts. My wife manages to tune out and enjoy the beautiful nature during those parts of the hike.

Ralph and I have been toying with the idea of putting an event together and now it is a reality: the ICS Security Salon – Munich. The event site has all the details, but let me give you some background on what we are trying to accomplish.

  • An event where there could be a conversation rather than strictly presentations. This led to the “Salon” name. From Wikipedia, “A salon is a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation.” The ICS Security Salon is limited to 30 people to create this conversational environment.
  • A location where people in the area could attend in just a day. We are starting the event at 10AM to give those close by, but not in Munich, a chance to travel that morning by train or plane to attend.
  • Content and discussions on real-world topics, examples and actionable background information. The goal is for every attendee to walk away from the event with ideas on what they should do next to assess and improve the robustness of their ICS.
  • Addressing both the threats and risks to ICS (I’ll lead this in the morning) and the basics of a proactive and sustainable ICS security / robustness program (Ralph will lead this in the afternoon).
  • Including time to discuss the attendee questions and topics as well as the latest topics of the day.

This is the first edition of the ICS Security Salon. We will see the response and may offer it different locations around the world with new discussion topics. If you are in or nearby Germany I hope you can attend.