ICS Security News

The ICSJWG Spring Meeting was cancelled, purportedly due to the sequester. ICS-CERT has published the presentations and papers that were submitted for the event on their site. No news yet on a potential fall meeting, but planning should be beginning now if it is going to be a success.

The preliminary agenda for DHS’s Chemical Sector Security Summit, July 10-11 in Baltimore, is now available. Most of the sessions are US Government speakers.

Michael Gross of Vanity Fair has another longish, Vanity Fair style article on cyber war. Not a worth reading from a technical standpoint, but perhaps for the questions you will get from friends and family.

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Worth Reading Articles

  • IOActive blog Industrial Device Firmware Can Reveal FTP Treasures
  • Joe Weiss blog on Aurora and Damaging Physical Systems

Critical Intelligence’s ICS Security Event Calendar Updates

Critical Intelligence provides reports and other information products on  Cyber Situational Awareness and Threat Intelligence services for Industrial Control System Owner/Operators, Vendors and Government stakeholders.

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