The Main Stage at S4x16 is theater/concert size and quality, and it requires dynamic and interesting speakers and sessions … and we have an impressive lineup for you. A prime example is Mikko Hypponen who will be speaking on Cyber Geopolitics.
Mikko will speak to the issue of borders. The Internet has borders, just like the real world. It’s just harder to notice them as they don’t always matter. But sometimes the borders matter, and they might matter more than we’d like them to – especially if you are a multi-national operator or a global ICS vendor.
The Main Stage and Stage 2: Technical Deep Dives agendas will be released on October 1st on the S4x16 Event Site. The initial pricing for this three day event is at $995 for the first 50 tickets purchased and rises gradually up to $1,595 for tickets 401-500. So register early and save some money.
We will also offer a variety of training options for the Friday after S4x16 (Jan 15) for an additional fee.