We have two ways at S4x24 to raise awareness and advance worthy causes in OT & ICS Cybersecurity. There are 1,100 early adopters / influencers / people who drive change at S4x24. Grab their attention and jumpstart your worthy cause.
Worthy Cause Exhibits
We have three exhibit spots for worthy causes each day, Tuesday – Thursday. These spots are in the best location at the event, in the main lobby outside of Main Stage and Stage 2 entrance/exit.

You can apply at this link or email us at s4@digitalbond.com. There are seven spots available. Current worthy causes selected for S4x24 are:
- Women In ICS Security (Tuesday)
- Charity Water (Wednesday)
The S4x23 Worthy Cause Exhibitors were:
- ICS Village
- Women In ICS Security
- ICS Advisory Project
- CWE ICS/OT Special Interest Group
- Rural Tech Fund (education assistance and scholarships)
- National Renewal Energy Lab (NREL) (input on questionnaire)
Birds Of A Feather Room
We also have set aside a 55′ x 16′ room for worthy causes to meet in to advance a project or effort. S4x24 draws many leaders and participants in worthy causes and projects to create the future. This room will have a small stage with microphones and screens. More importantly we can set this with tables and chairs as needed for breakouts, technical collaboration, or whatever else is needed.
What it is not – – this is not a room for a worthy cause to provide an awareness presentation for those who might be interested. It is not a room where a panel gets on stage and discusses the issue.
What it is – – it’s a room for working sessions that will help make progress. Zoom is fine, but there is nothing like a face to face meeting discussion to accelerate change.
If you have a need to use this room for 1 or 2 hours, contact us at s4@digitalbond.com.
What Is A Worthy Cause?
It’s hard to define, and we know it when we see it. Being a non-profit doesn’t make something a worthy cause. There are many non-profits with products and services that compete in the market. Being a for-profit company doesn’t mean you can’t be a worthy cause. It doesn’t mean you can’t use the room.
The simplest way I can describe what we consider a worthy cause is: an effort or project that relies on a community of individuals and companies working together to help create the future that is not closely related or essential to a product or service that is being sold by the worthy cause’s leaders.