
I’d like to make a quick post with the release of some CANBus analysis tools I wrote.

The tools are written in javascript using nodejs, which comes preinstalled on the Beaglebone black — my hardware of choice when doing CAN analysis. I wrote up a brief README on setting up a Beaglebone for use as a CAN analyzer which you can find at That README provides links to the hardware setup we used at the S4 CANBus Hacking Class along with some instructions for getting an environment set up to start doing vehicle work in javascript or python.

For Version 0.1.0 we are releasing four tools:

  1. unique_ids: Watches the CAN and logs all IDs on which data is sent
  2. watch_id: Prints out every data packet for a given ID or IDs. Bytes that change from one packet to another are colorized for easy viewing.
  3. decode_obdii: Decodes any OBDII standard request/reply messages sent over the CANBus. Includes a description of the message type according to the spec.
  4. canbus_IDS: A very simple Intrusion Detection System for CANBus that will take configuration via JSON and alert on messages of a given ID. TODOs are extending alerts to use beaglebone GPIO and allowing ctype configuration of message data to alert on things like a bit flag being set.

The code is licensed under MIT. Contributions, questions, complaints are welcome. Check out the README file for more details on using the tools.

The repository is available at

Happy Vehicle Hacking,