Proposed Government Metric: Outage Pie Charts

Proposed Government Metric: Outage Pie Charts

This is fourth in a series of suggested metrics governments could (should?) use to measure OT security posture, incidents, and risk … something desperately needed and consistently avoided. Metric 1: Impacted People Days Metric 2: Leading Indicator Metrics Metric...
Usually In My Top Ten … Set & Meet RTO

Usually In My Top Ten … Set & Meet RTO

Last week I wrote that creating an asset inventory typically isn’t in the early actions of an OT security program prioritized by efficient risk reduction. And I received a number of questions of what is on the short list. I’m not going to provide a list because it can...
Efficient Risk Reduction: Asset Inventory Often Not In My Top Ten

Efficient Risk Reduction: Asset Inventory Often Not In My Top Ten

I’m not anti-asset inventory. It’s a key part of asset management and maintenance without regard to reducing OT cyber risk. In fact I’d be more amenable to Operations prioritizing establishing and maintaining an asset inventory than OT Security. At the right point in...
SEC: Incentives and Outcomes

SEC: Incentives and Outcomes

Show me the incentive; I’ll show you the outcome. Charlie Munger The SEC requirement for US public companies to disclose, in an 8K form, any cyber attacks that will have a material impact on the business went into effect in November, 2023. Unsurprisingly this has led...
Proposed Government Metric – Internet Exposed OT

Proposed Government Metric – Internet Exposed OT

This is third in a series of suggested metrics governments could use to measure OT security posture, incidents, and risk … something desperately needed and consistently avoided. Metric 1: Impacted People Days Metric 2: Leading Indicator Metrics Metric 3:...
Leading Indicator Metrics (Inspired by API RP 754)

Leading Indicator Metrics (Inspired by API RP 754)

Part 1 of this article is from my S4x24 Keynote: Believe!. Part 2 is the suggested related metrics for the US and other governments. Are some of you having trouble with Total Recordable Incident Rate? Or the SEC material incident rate? Or these outage pie charts. I...
RSA Conference: OT Vs. IT Vs. Convergence

RSA Conference: OT Vs. IT Vs. Convergence

One of the first articles or presentations those new to OT generate is how OT is different from IT. Like other uses of T, there are tasks, goals and constraints that are different in OT than the employee desktop, application, server and infrastructure environment that...
Proposed Government Metric – Impacted People Days

Proposed Government Metric – Impacted People Days

This is the first in a series of articles on proposed government metrics (US and other) to measure the consequence of critical infrastructure OT cyber incidents. Impacted People Days – – The number of people impacted by an OT cyber incident multiplied by...

Europe, Regulation and AI with Patrick Miller

Click To Subscribe Show Notes Patrick Miller has OT cybersecurity experience as an asset owner, PacificCorp. As a regulator and one of the first NERC CIP auditors with WECC. As a community organizer creating and leading EnergySec and the BeerISAC. And as an...