Gartner’s OT Visibility Magic Quadrant

Gartner’s OT Visibility Magic Quadrant

Advisory services vendor Gartner put out their magic quadrant for "CPS Protection Platforms" on February 12th. (Right in the middle of S4x25, coincidence?) Having covered this market since 2016, I have a few things to say about their magic quadrant and report. Name:...

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S4x25 Keynote: Your Value As An OT Security Professional

S4x25 Keynote: Your Value As An OT Security Professional

Here's the text version of my S4x25 keynote delivered on Feb 12th. Of course you don't get the seesaw that you have in the video. What are you worth? Not as a person. As an OT security professional. What’s your value? How much more is your value than a studious entry...

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Time For Action, We Have Plenty Of Advice

Time For Action, We Have Plenty Of Advice

Seth Godin manages to put a lot of wisdom in his short daily blogs. This one hit me last week (key excerpt below). Generally, the advice isn’t really the hard part. There’s endless good advice just a click away. ... We might not need better advice. We might simply...

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Introduction Chapter From My New Book

Introduction Chapter From My New Book

This chapter from the book describes what it is, how to use it, and a bit of how I came to write it. I started reading a daily calendar book in 2019 and have continued every year since. My two favorites are The Daily Stoic and The Daily Drucker. Calendar books provide...

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25 Years, Same Question

25 Years, Same Question

My first exposure to OT security was a security assessment of a water SCADA system in 2000. It was a disaster from a security perspective. Old OS and apps that hadn't been touched since install. Poor network segmentation, Admin accounts used by all with default...

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My New Book & 2025 Content Plan

My New Book & 2025 Content Plan

Some of you have asked where my weekly article went in November and December. The answer is I had to focus my writing time on edits and production of my new book, A Year In OT Security. 1,500 softcover books are now being printed and will be put in the S4x25 Swag...

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What’s Your Cyber Narrative?

What’s Your Cyber Narrative?

I first heard the term "Cyber Narrative" while interviewing Jennifer Dulles, APR, a media relations and crisis communications expert, on the S4x24 Main Stage. It's worth your time to develop a cyber narrative, especially given the often poor public statements we hear...

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Different Approaches To EU’s NIS2 Has An Upside

Different Approaches To EU’s NIS2 Has An Upside

The Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution states: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. The states are often referred to as "laboratories of...

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S4x26 ... 23 - 27 February 2026 in Miami South Beach

Save the date. For the biggest and most future focused on ICS Security Event ... and likely our last time in Miami South Beach.