Friday News & Notes

Give eWON some credit. They released information that their website was compromised for a short time in January, and issued an updated notice late last week on their home page. Still nothing on the MB Connect or Swiss vendor site to tell customers they may be...

USG Aurora Data Dump

840 pages related to 2007 Operation Aurora. What, if anything, is newsworthy?— Dan Goodin (@dangoodin001) July 7, 2014 Thanks Dan for the tip. First a reading tip to save you time. Most of the 840 pages are weekly reports from the DHS Control...

Havex Hype & Unhelpful Mystery

Unhelpful Mystery Why hasn’t ICS-CERT or some other CERT or the security vendors issuing bulletins announced publicly the three ICS vendors that were distributing malware with their ICS software and the energy sector websites redirecting to a malware delivering...

Michael Toecker Starts Context Industrial Security

Michael Toecker recently has joined the ranks of Digital Bond alumni and is starting his own firm. Here is his farewall blog entry. Best of luck Mike and welcome to the world of being a small business owner. A few others have known this for a while, but I’ve...

Havex / Stuxnet / ICS-CERT / DHS

I believe the last time ICS-CERT announced malware that specifically attacked a control system product or protocol was back on July 20, 2010. At that time I naively railed that DHS / INL / ICS-CERT should be thoroughly investigating this and determining the impact to...

South Beach Hotel for S4x15

I came a day early to South Florida this week to check out the newest official S4x15 hotel: the Surfcomber Hotel in South Beach. Those still wanting large rooms and suites, luxury, quieter beach and close to the best malls and the Kovens Center can stay at the Trump...

Friday News & Notes

Bloomberg published more detail on the “UglyGorilla” attack on pipeline SCADA. It’s worth reading past some of the hyperbole in the article to learn what information was taken. “Operatives vacuumed up caches of e-mails, engineering PDFs and...

FireEye / Mandiant Try The ICS Market

The ICS security community is still tiny, so when a large vendor recruits five or so names in the industry it gets some attention. They are placing at least a small bet that there is enough business to scale to a size worth pursuing. Security vendors have tried...

S4xJapan Logo and Update

S4xJapan: October 14-15 in Toyko I had a bit of fun in Tokyo last month creating a logo for S4xJapan. In Japan people use a hanko, an ink stamp, to sign documents ranging from Fedex or Black Cat delivery acknowledgment to important official documents. A hanko is...

Friday News & Notes

The German government’s National Cyber Defense Center has little to show over the last three years, according to the German Government. The Langner Group covers the story of a classified report that was leaked to the press. A small number of employees who lacked...