2017 Articles

The ICS Security Stories We Tell And Love

We, the ICS community, have some mantras: It will take decades to fix the ICS security problemOperations Technology (OT) is different than Information Technology (IT)You can't do X, Y or Z in ICS because ... which is followed by a variety of reasons such as the system...

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Unsolicited Response Podcast with Rob Lee

Rob Lee Dale Peterson interviews Rob Lee, founder and CEO of Dragos - SANS 515 Creator - former SCADA Diva - Chief FUD Debunker - ..., focusing on how an asset owner should select an advanced IDS detection solution from a crowded market of 25+ new...

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Unsolicited Response Podcast with Joel Langill

Unsolicited Response Podcast with Joel Langill

Joel Langill, aka the SCADAHacker, joined me on the Unsolicited Response podcast to discuss ICSsec training and workforce development. Joel is the Director of ICS Cybersecurity at AECOM, see http://www.aecom.com/solutions/converged-resilience/. He also runs...

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Insanely Crowded ICS Anomaly Detection Market

Goal: Help Owner/Operators select the best anomaly detection solution for their ICS. It sounds simple, but after getting numerous demos and pitches from vendors, the almost unanimous contention from each vendor was that their solution was the best. Why? Because they...

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Evaluating ICS Anomaly Detection Solutions

It’s not getting better, and the number of vendors offering ICS anomaly detection solutions continues to grow in numbers and angel/venture funding. How is an asset owner to determine what anomaly detection approach, if any, is right for them? The first decision points...

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RSA Conference Report

ICS Industry Pioneer and Expert Eric Byres of ICS-Secure reports on the RSA Conference last week. I just returned from the RSA Conference 2017 in San Francisco, after a five year hiatus. If you are not familiar with the RSA Conferences, they are one of the...

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S4x26 ... 23 - 27 February 2026 in Miami South Beach

Save the date. For the biggest and most future focused on ICS Security Event ... and likely our last time in Miami South Beach.



2017 Articles

by | May 12, 2019